About the direction
We get over 80% of information about the external world through our eyes, so any disruptions in the visual system lead to significant inconvenience. The Ophthalmology Centre at GMS Clinic is a modern clinic that treats numerous eye diseases in children and adults. Since our Centre is equipped with modern diagnostic technology, our specialists can detect eye diseases at the very earliest stages. Early diagnosis makes it possible to stabilise the vision loss process in time and eliminate its causes.

Our Ophthalmology Clinic pays particular attention to treating children’s eye conditions. Modern treatment methods, combining medications and devices, are aimed at fully restoring or significantly improving eyesight, giving children a chance to lead a full life.

All staff at the Ophthalmology Centre at GMS Clinic are highly qualified and have extensive experience in a variety of clinics. We can perform the most complex surgical operations. Each patient who approaches us is evaluated with the aim of determining their body’s specialised needs, before a personalised treatment programme is designed.