Qualified specialists with extensive experience, including working experience abroad
The most modern equipment for ultrasound of expert quality
The highest qualification of specialists interpreting the results of investigations
The possibility to record the results of diagnostics to a DVD and to print photos of an ultrasound investigation
Application of international experience and modern treatment protocols
Prenatal diagnostics and genetics
The Centre of Prenatal Diagnostics and Genetics of GMS Clinic offers the possibility to undergo full examination on every stage of pregnancy:
- Expert ultrasound investigation in the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy
- Biochemical and ultrasound screening
- Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)
- The full range of genetic tests

As a result of examination, a mom-to-be can get the opinion of an experienced geneticist with a “road map” of prenatal care. We will help you to make sure that the baby is growing and developing well and you will be a happy mother soon.
If any abnormalities are found, we will help you to make the decision on the approach of prenatal care and will answer all your troubling questions. If needed, we will offer you further examination, according to the latest international recommendations, engage related specialists or convene a consultation between doctors.
Our staff includes the best doctors of Moscow and the region with broad experience in prenatal diagnostics and genetics. High informative value of examination is achieved with the help of modern equipment of the GMS Clinic:
- Voluson E10 device for ultrasound investigations
- Roche analyzer on Astraia software programme for biochemical screening
All these are safe non-invasive methods that can help to allay or confirm the concerns over anomalies or foetal malformations.
Our programmes
For all moms-to-be GMS specialists have elaborated 3 programmes of prenatal diagnostics with the results in 1,5 hours.
- Biochemical screening (including preeclampsia screening) + ultrasound of the first trimester + a consultation with a geneticist. You can undergo an expert ultrasound investigation and get a blood test for biochemical screening. A geneticist will comment the results in detail and will make a plan for further diagnostics.
- Biochemical screening (including preeclampsia screening) + ultrasound of the first trimester + NIPT + a consultation with a geneticist. The programme also includes non-invasive prenatal testing that will help with a 99% chance to exclude the most widespread genetic anomalies.
- Biochemical screening (including preeclampsia screening) + ultrasound of the first trimester + invasive prenatal testing + a consultation with a geneticist. Invasive prenatal diagnostics with chromosomal microarray analysis and the possibility of whole exome sequencing are included in the complex of investigations. The programme is recommended for moms-to-be with high risks of genetic pathologies.
Our doctors will help you to choose the programme of screening suitable for you and will draw up an individual plan of examination. We use all diagnostic and advisory resources of the Centre to monitor a normal course of your pregnancy. Our mission is to guarantee future moms comfortable prenatal care of high quality provided at very short notice by the best specialists in Moscow.