
  • Paediatricians with extensive experience in Russia and abroad

  • State-of-the-art equipment for diagnosing and treating children’s illnesses

  • 24-hour assistance and house calls

  • Parents can stay in the ward with child inpatients

  • Variety of clinical tests done in-house at the Centre


About the direction
The world is facing the unexpected problem of falling age levels for many health problems that used to be generally confined to adults. Environmental pollution, poor nutrition and insufficient exercise are leading to a substantial increase in various conditions among children worldwide. Prevention and early diagnosis of diseases in children and adolescents are a priority in developing our country’s health-care system.
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Thanks to its highly-qualified personnel and modern equipment, the Paediatric Centre at GMS Clinic in Moscow can detect and diagnose children’s illnesses at the very earliest stages. The doctors at our fee-based private children’s clinic in Moscow have many years of practical experience at children’s health institutions in Russia and abroad, enabling them to prescribe the best and gentlest treatment for each individual patient.
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If necessary, our paediatric clinic’s specialists can make house calls to see your child. The visiting team has all the equipment required to make a primary examination and take various test samples. The availability of modern medications used in paediatric care makes it possible to do many procedures and give required injections in the privacy of your own home. Give us a ring – we’re sure to help you!

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