Pediatric house calls
House calls for adult patients
Emergency care at GMS Clinic
Collection of specimens for analysis
GMS Express house call service
GMS Express house call service
GMS Express – essential medical care without visiting the clinic.
The GMS Express house call service is a team of professionals providing medical assistance where it is most convenient for the patient - at their home, office or hotel room.
You can call GMS Express to:
- Arrange a full consultation with a specialist or get tested in a familiar setting.
- Call a private ambulance.
- Call a doctor for your child, without unnecessary stress.
- Get a vaccination (with a GMS vaccination certificate).
- Obtain medical documents, including sick leave.
Our doctors will arrive in a GMS clinic car, or if necessary, an ambulance outfitted to the most modern standards, including the Systra hydraulic system, oxygen generators, and breathing ventilators.
How the house call service works
When you contact our clinic to request a house call, the operator will ask you to describe the patient’s symptoms or their physical condition, and a convenient time and place for the house call. If necessary, the operator will connect you directly with a doctor. It is important for us to know the details of your issue so that the doctor will know whether to take any additional equipment.
The doctor arrives at the patient’s address at the agreed time. The first task of the visiting specialist is to determine whether the situation requires emergency treatment. The doctor inquires about the patient’s medical history and then examines the patient, after which he or she diagnoses the illness and decides on a course of treatment. If the patient needs additional tests that cannot be carried out at home, or if hospitalization is required, the doctor arranges for the patient to be sent to the appropriate GMS clinic or hospital.

What does the doctor take along?
A physician on a house call is equipped in much the same way as in the examination room at the clinic. In addition to the basic equipment, the doctor can take with him a pulse oximeter - a device that measures the pulse and blood oxygen saturation. This is especially important when diagnosing the severity of a coronavirus infection.
In addition to a blood sampling kit and flu tests, the house call service has a cardiograph, which is used when a patient has a cardiovascular complaint. If the doctor suspects that the patient needs infusion therapy (an IV drip), the house call service will take everything that is needed, including all necessary medications.

Why GMS Express
Benefits of GMS Express House Call Service
Your health is very important to us; each GMS patient is treated with individual care and attention. If you are feeling unwell, do not delay; call the clinic at any time, day or night. Our house call doctors are standing by, ready to help you.
- Our house call doctors are family doctors, general practitioners with knowledge in specialized areas such as otolaryngology, cardiology, nephrology, etc.
- We are available 24/7, with four doctors on call during the day and one at night. Call us if your symptoms get worse, if new symptoms appear, if your dosage is not clear, or if you lose your prescription. We will respond to any patient request.
- Our team is flexible and interchangeable. If a specific doctor is not available at the moment, which rarely happens, a colleague will provide the necessary medical care. We trust each other’s professionalism, communicate closely as doctors, and can always advise a colleague's patients.
- We follow the principles of evidence-based medicine. We prescribe only those examinations and medications that are recommended for a specific pathology. We have no goal of ordering expensive tests if they are not needed.
- Our doctors constantly receive advanced professional training, and attend and participate in international conferences and congresses. We have daily meetings where we discuss difficult cases and clinical matters. We stay informed of current trends in medicine, and regularly cross-reference with UpToDate, a resource for evidence-based medicine.